Reprieve For a Female Killer Who Stab a Man 25 Times

Recent times have seen a surge in cases of fatal altercations between lovers, and one particularly haunting incident is still unfolding in the courts.

Ruth Kamande, the accused in this matter, stands accused of the brutal murder of her boyfriend, Farid Mohamed Halim, whom she allegedly stabbed 25 times in a gruesome 2015 incident.

The autopsy report reveals a horrifying account of the incident, depicting multiple stab wounds to the chest, hands, legs, head, abdomen, back, and shoulders that ultimately claimed the young man’s life.

The tragedy occurred within the confines of Buruburu Estate, adding another layer of complexity to the case.

Ruth Kamande claimed she had acted in self-defense when she resorted to using a knife against her boyfriend.

According to her account, a heated argument between them escalated into a physical confrontation, leading her to take drastic measures.

Ruth, once celebrated as Miss Langata, was initially sentenced to death, but in a surprising turn of events in July 2023, her sentence was commuted to life imprisonment during President William Ruto’s administration.

The latest development in this compelling case involves the Court of Appeal granting Ruth Kamande the opportunity to pursue an appeal at the Supreme Court for the second time. This decision is seen as a crucial step towards reevaluating the plight of battered women and the legal principles of self-defense in Kenya.

The stage is set for an intriguing legal battle as the case heads to the Supreme Court of Kenya, where experts anticipate significant developments in this high-profile case.

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