Govt Announces Sudden Change in CBC

Moses Wetangula, speaker of the National Assembly, was pictured during a previous session of Parliament.

After the National Assembly made crucial adjustments to the curriculum’s capitation, the Competency Based Curriculum in Kenya has today undergone a significant alteration.

The National Assembly has made a strategic shift on the amount of Government capitation to the Competency Based Curriculum in a statement issued today, October 11, 2023.

As part of the recently established reforms to the educational system, the National Assembly declared a seven-fold increase in the capitation for competency-based curricula from the previous Ksh1,400 per learner to Ksh7,760.

According to the National Assembly, the boost in funding for the Competency-Based Curriculum will do a lot to protect Kenyan parents from the country’s growing cost of living; a factor that will enable them breathe a sigh of relief.

What do you think of the National Assembly’s comments regarding competency-based curriculum? Please leave us a remark with your thoughts, opinions, and ideas.

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