Fight Breaks Out in Nairobi Church

In Kitengela, their was drama in church after a woman exposed her pastor badly infront of the church members. She lamented the pastor by telling him she no longer trusts him

The lady who is believed to be a member and happened to have attended the church for almost a year, was drawn to the church after hearing from the pastor that through prayer she will find a husband who will propose to her.

As per reports from different sources, the woman joined the church after seeing the banner advertising on how the pastor perform miracles and that’s how faith landed her into the church.

The woman had not found a lover after a year in the church and made a decision confront the pastor in front of the congregation, she apologized to him for putting faith in him. She continued by saying that due to lies she will never again pray in that church.

The woman’s intention was for the Pastor to help her get a husband but failed as a year passed without her getting one.

“Pasta wewe sikuamini tena. Heri nirudi nilikokuwa zamani,” the lady told off the pastor.

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