Nairobi CBD on Fire

A disturbing incident unfolded today along Thika Road as police were compelled to intervene and disperse a group of unruly youths who had taken to attacking motorists.

Seth Olale, a journalist from Citizen Television, reported via Twitter that the situation escalated to the point where the police had to employ additional tactics to regain control.

Eyewitnesses described how the youths resorted to burning tires and blocking the roads, creating chaos and endangering the lives of both drivers and pedestrians.

In a reckless act of aggression, the assailants began hurling stones at passing vehicles, forcing drivers to speed up in a bid to avoid damage and potential harm.

The confrontations occurred in the Mathare area, prompting a swift response from law enforcement to clear the blocked Thika Road service lane. Meanwhile, the leaders of the Azimio la Umoja and One Kenya Alliance, spearheaded by opposition leader Raila Odinga, have yet to issue any clear directives regarding the anticipated events later today.

However, they continue to stand resolute in their support for ongoing anti-government protests throughout the country.

This incident on Thika Road highlights the escalating tensions and the pressing need for decisive action to ensure public safety and restore order amidst the current wave of protests.

Authorities are working diligently to safeguard both motorists and innocent bystanders in the affected areas.

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