Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has turned down an offer by Deputy President William Ruto to join Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

During the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition party campaign in Narok on Saturday, July 30, Kalonzo told Ruto to stop acting like he was his lawyer.

“Ruto has been in Mwingi, my home today, where he started defending me, acting like he was my lawyer, saying Raila has shortchanged me, that Kalonzo has been lied to,” Kalonzo said.

Kalonzo asked the Kenya Kwanza Alliance presidential candidate to stop talking about him in public gatherings.

“I want to tell Ruto please leave Kalonzo alone. Why do you concern yourself with matters that do not concern you,” he added.
Kalonzo abandoned his presidential bid and decided to support the former prime minister for the third time.

Sentiments by Kalonzo come after Kenya Kwanza Alliance presidential flag bearer urged the Wiper leader to support his presidential bid.

By tuko

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