Businessman and 2022 presidential hopeful Jimmy Wanjigi has welcomed a court ruling that sentenced Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) boss George Kinoti to a four-month jail term at the Kamiti Maximum Security Prison for contempt of court. 

Wanjigi said nobody should be spared of the consequences of the law.

“We are very happy with that ruling of the high court, there is nobody who is above the law. The rule of law must be applied equally to every single Kenyan,” said Wanjigi.

He was speaking at the Mount Kenya University in Thika after a meeting with university students from different institutions.

Wanjigi further called out top government officials for being key perpetrators of noncompliance with the court, saying such behaviour should not be tolerated.

“The government and its arms have a track record of not obeying court orders. I want to go back even to the Supreme Court ruling on the 2017 elections where the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) was ordered to open servers and they ignored. Chebukati ignored,” he stated.

“This is the level of impunity in this country that even a Supreme Court order can be ignored by an arm of government. Those days are over. The future is about the rule of law for all, including the president.”

Kinoti was sentenced on Thursday after he failed to obey court orders that required him to return firearms confiscated from Wanjigi.

In 2017, police seized seven firearms from the businessman’s home in Malindi.

In June 2019, Justice Chacha Mwita ruled that the State acted irrationally by seizing Wanjigi’s firearms while he still had a valid license.

The DCI boss had been given 30 days in early 2021 by the High Court in Nairobi to return Wanjigi’s firearms, as ordered in 2019. 

The deadline for the DCI to comply with the orders was March 25, 2021.

After DCI failed to return the firearms, Wanjigi filed a contempt of court proceedings suit, seeking to have them committed to civil jail.

By Citizen Digital

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