President Uhuru Kenyatta has come out guns blazing to criticize Deputy President William Ruto, accusing him of absconding his government duties to satisfy personal self interests.

President Kenyatta, who spoke on Saturday during the Jubilee Party’s National Delegates Convention (NDC) at KICC, indirectly spelt out his fallout with the DP.

The President accused Ruto and his TangaTanga team of deceiving Kenyans claiming they had been kicked out of the Jubilee Party following his March 2018 handshake with opposition chief Raila Odinga.

President Kenyatta, in a thinly-veiled attack, described DP Ruto’s inroads as that of a person with too much ambition which, he said, if not contained, would lead to destruction and divisions in the country.

“There is nothing wrong with ambition. A man who doesn’t have ambition…a nation that doesn’t have ambition is a nation that goes nowhere,” he said.

“You must have ambition. But ambition must be controlled. It cannot be unbridled; it cannot be uncontrollable. Uncontrolled ambition is like having an unguided missile that can land and cause destruction.”

In the same context, the Head of State opined that the DP ought to have considered the welfare of their electorates instead of pursuing his future political interests.

“Kila mtu anataka kuwa kiongozi wa nchi, si ni ukweli? Your personal ambition cannot supersede the wellbeing of 50 million people because that is not how life works. If we’re guided in that direction, we are bound to fail my brothers and sisters,” he stated.

The Commander-in-Chief similarly dismissed claims by the DP Ruto team that the handshake led to the crumbling of government projects instead saying it actually oversaw smoother delivery of services.

He chewed out those alleging that Odinga had taken over the government functions following the handshake saying he was never even allocated any official position by the State.

“Kuna wengine wamesema ati Raila na kina Kalonzo waliingia serikali wakabadili mipango ya serikali. Nilipea Baba mkono wa amani, na yeye akarudisha mkono wa amani,” he stated.

“Kuna cheo chochote cha serikali mlisikia Raila alichukua ama Kalonzo walichukua katika serikali wakanyanganya mtu yoyote?”

He consequently threw jabs at the TangaTanga team accusing them of bringing internal strife at the party and blaming it on the opposition.

President Kenyatta at the same defended his move to work with Odinga and his team post the handshake saying they filled the void left by TangaTanga and helped him work towards his legacy.

“Kama wewe tumechaguliwa pamoja na umeamua jukumu yako ni kuwa upinzani ndani ya serikali, mimi nikaenda kutafuta Baba, Wiper, Gideo. ..jameni kujeni mnisaidie hapa mambo,” he noted.

“Si ni mjinga kukosa kuenda kuomba usaidizi na nyumba yake inataka maji kuzima moto uliowashwa kutoka ndani.”


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