Reports have emerged that rogue police officers could be protecting suspected killer cop Caroline Kangogo, frustrating efforts of her arrest.

Ms Kangogo has evaded detectives’ dragnet for over a week now, after being accused of killing two men in Nakuru and Nairobi.

According to reports by the Nation, investigators belief that Ms Kangogo is part of a web of rogue officers operating under two syndicates in the Rift Valley, who are now watching her back.

“There is a group of police officers baying for her blood and there is one that is protecting her and this is why she has not been seen,” the officer said.

The rogue officers are believed to be involved in illegal businesses, extortions, protection of illegal businesses and robberies in Rift Valley towns such as Eldoret, Nakuru and Kericho.

Corporal Caroline Kangogo who was attached to Nakuru Central Police Station is suspected to have fatally shot her lover and colleague Constable John Ogweno in Nakuru.

Ogweno was found dead inside his vehicle which was parked at the station’s parking lot.

The rogue officer who took off with the deceased’s loaded Ceska pistol is said to have lured a 32-year-old male after fleeing the scene of crime.

Kangogo, police believe, lured a man identified as Peter Ndwiga into Hotel Dedamax that is located within Kimbo market, Kiambu county.

Detectives belief that Mr Ndwiga, a former police officer who ran a security company in Juja, was involved in the murder of Mr Ogweno.

Sleuths now say that there is more than meets the eye in the murders, and now belief that Ms Kangogo has a story to tell about the murders.

“What needs to be done now is to protect Cpl Kangogo from her rogue colleagues – some of whom are senior members of the police service – so that once she is arrested, she can give the real account of what happened,” said a source by the Nation.

It is reported that Mr Ndwiga helped Cpl Kangogo escape after murdering Mr Ogweno, before he was later shot dead in a lodging.


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