In the current economic times, people can easily go broke and require assistance to pull through the next day. Be it to cater for electricity bills, meals, or pay kids’ school fees.

Everyone has to face financial stress once in a while. And that is where lenders like Mpesa Fuliza come in; to cater for your needs with an agreement that you pay back later with interest.

Today, I will give you an important trick that every Fuliza subscriber can apply to increase the Limit awarded, let’s say from the minimum which Kes300 upto about Kes70,000 in less than a week.

To increase your loan limit, Safaricom practically evaluates how often and tangible you use their transaction services. So, to get an increase in your loan limit, you can do the following

1. First, you will have to subscribe to the Fuliza loan service by through their menu accessible by dialing *234#

2. Keep making more transactions through your M-PESA account.

3. Keep taking the awarded amount and making sure that you pay it back within the shortest time possible.

By doing these, your fuliza loan limit will be increased gradually up to about KES70,000.

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