The MCAs made a walk to Wamatangi’s office during which they addressed the press complaining that the governor belittles them and does not listen to them.

They said they will table a motion to kick him out of office if he does not mend his ways.

The threats by MCAs come barely a month after Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza survived an impeachment by the senate after the committee probing grounds of her ouster by the Meru assembly vindicated her.

The MCAs had ousted the governor after weeks of protracted wrangles.

If Kiambu MCAs make good their threats, Wamatangi could be the second governor to be kicked out by the assembly.

The first to be kicked out is Former Governor Ferdinand Waititu.

Once a governor is impeached by MCAs, the matter proceeds to the Senate where it is further probed. If Senators uphold the impeachment, the governor stands ousted from the office.

By Nairobi leo

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