All Primary and both Junior and Senior Secondary schools in the Republic of Kenya reported back and resumed with their studies after midterm last week on Monday, 19th March 2023 after breaking for a three days holiday. The learners had just covered about eight weeks of learning since reopening their first term on the 25th January this year.

As per the school schedule, the first term is supposed to run for a smooth thirteen weeks of learning which will now see all learners break for a two weeks holiday before again reopening for the second term of the academic year.

In line with the Ministry of Education school schedule, all the primary and both Junior and Senior secondary schools in Kenya are now being required to close as on Friday, 21st of April 2023, after which they will enjoy their two weeks April holiday break as from Saturday, 22nd April to 7th May 2023. They will then reopen for second term as on 8th May 2023.

Refer to the term dates below;

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