Former President Daniel Arap Moi’s Press Secretary has disclosed more about witnessing witchcraft being used at the Statehouse against the late President which he believes could not be different when it comes to the current administration led by President Uhuru.
Lee Njiru has informed that when working at the Statehouse, they witnessed shocking scenes with witchcraft at work disclosing that one was about a senior lady caught naked at Statehouse with her pants down and farting on President Moi’s office.
The Former Statehouse senior official has said that “a senior lady at State House was caught with her pants lowered and busy farting in President Moi’s office. She was directing her farts in all directions.”
Adding that “Luckily, the farts were not productive; just a crackling noise, like that of gunfire. The lady’s loose morals were in the public domain.”
Lee Njiru has disclosed that the reason why the lady was doing so was that, she had received an intelligence report that she was about to be fired a move that she had to seek help from a witch doctor.
“She feared that President Moi might get the information and have her transferred. That is why she got the advice of a witch doctor. She was lucky that she was caught doing this unpleasant ritual by a fellow tribesman. They settled the matter their way,” he has added.
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