Showing up on a live interview with a local media station on Sunday November 7, MP Kuria mentioned that Ruto’s presidency could be disastrous to the country and there is need for voters to do their evaluation well based on past history of each candidate.

Gatundu MP Moses Kuria(left) conversing with DP William Ruto[Photos/Courtesy].
In his own words, Kuria argued that though Ruto could make a vibrant youthful leader, his leadership will be overly imperial in which he will wield too much power beyond that allowed by the Constitution; which is too dangerous.

“People are asking in whose hands are we safe. We are not safe with Ruto,” stated MP Kuria adding that Ruto’s main agenda is to win votes across the country and run away with the entire power; and that’s why he(DP) doesn’t want any level-headed person close to him.

He therefore asked the country to take every candidate through appropriate interrogation stages before making their final decision because any blunder made at the ballot would be too costly to repair.

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria with DP William Ruto.
He also did not spare other top contestants saying even the former Premier Raila Odinga has to be taken through a thorough public vetting process so that the nation can be sure with his leadership in case he wins in 2022.

Further, Mr. Kuria took issue with Martha Karua running mate proposal saying, though he believes in her ability, she still has to prove herself

because there are so many weaknesses he has since observed on her in afew days he has been privileged to interact with her.

“Whatever I say, about Martha Karua, you cannot say she is my cup of tea,” he remarked.

Apart from Kuria poking holes into Ruto’s style of leadership, Garissa Township Lawmaker Aden Duale also in September this year predicted betrayal from the deputy president should he win elections. He stated that it was now hard to trust anyone in politics because power within and power outside were two different things citing the situation in their Jubilee Party.

Sourced from Home news

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